These are the explanation Brits do not clear their curtains or bedsheets as often as they need to

The study found the most neglected areas include behind and under furniture, inside cabinets and drawers, with many admitting they rarely give these spots a thorough clean.

A quarter of respondents said their curtains are often overlooked, while 9% admitted to neglecting their sofa. For 4% they confessed to leaving their bedsheets unwashed for an embarrassingly long time.

Most respondents admitted putting off particular cleaning tasks thinking it would take too long or believed it would be difficult to reach certain areas. Others say a general lack of motivation, meant certain areas went uncleaned.

A spokesperson for Febreze Fabric Refresher, which commissioned the research, commented: “Knowing how to freshen larger items can be tricky, especially those you can’t get into the washing machine.”

“There’s a whole number of reasons why we put off tasks like this, and more often than not, we make them bigger in our minds than they actually are. But using the right tools to get it done can make it an easier job than you think.”

“For example, a quick spritz of the curtains or sofa cushions can save you a job of having to take them to the dry cleaners, leaving them feeling fresher for longer, smelling great and with odours eliminated.”

A third of respondents don’t believe that certain areas need regular cleaning
(Image: Getty Images)

The study also revealed that 34% of people confess that the lack of cleaning in some of the most overlooked areas has caused friction in their homes. However, a whopping 70% admitted they often overestimate how long certain household chores will take.

A third of respondents simply don’t believe these areas need regular cleaning. with a quarter of those surveyed confessing to only cleaning the most neglected parts of their home every few months, while 13% admitted to only doing these tasks once a year.

Interestingly, the time spent on these areas is significantly less compared to the parts of the house that are cleaned more frequently. Yet, one in four respondents always feel a sense of achievement when they’ve tackled a challenging clean-up.

A representative for Febreze Fabric Refresher commented: “While it might not always be at the top of everyone’s to-do list, there can be a great sense of reward by doing difficult things in your day.”

“And freshening up your home can certainly fit that bill, our research shows that tackling something tricky gives people a sense of pride and can make people feel good about themselves.”

“Making sure you’re equipped for the task at hand can go a long way, helping to make it much more manageable.”