People solely now realising what getting a Playstation at Christmas means about sly lovers

Love Actually might have inspired some cheaters this Christmas as those having affairs are being smart with what gifts they buy their partners to avoid getting busted

Emma Thompson’s character found out about the affair in Love Actually through Christmas presents – and now people have been inspired (Image: Universal Pictures)

Lovecheats will be gifting ‘cunning’ presents this Christmas to conceal their sordid affairs – just like in Love Actually.

We all know that scene in the classic festive classic film, right? Where Alan Rickman’s character Harry thinks he’s smart by gifting wife Karen, played by Emma Thompson, her beloved Joni Mitchell CD. That’s all while he’s got a flashy necklace for his colleague who he’s bonking at work.

After wife Karen found the necklace in his pocket and had the CD waiting for her under the tree instead, she cottoned on to what is going on. And taking inspiration from Love Actually on what and what not to do, those cheating have got a little creative this yuletide.

Apparently, according to extra-martial affair site Illicit Encounters, users have been sharing how they are planning on keeping their affairs under wraps. Some are choosing to do that by buying big gifts to act as a guise for their love and devotion to their partner – but it’s really a distraction.

That Joni Mitchell CD in Love Actually taught a lot of lessons…(Image: Universal Pictures)

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One shocking discussion on the site revealed that a woman is buying her boyfriend a games console to keep him happy and preoccupied when she finds pleasure elsewhere.

The cheater admitted: “I’ve decided to gift him a PlayStation for Christmas. He’s been dropping hints about it all year, and honestly? It’s the perfect way to keep him completely distracted while I… well, let’s just say, focus on my own ‘activities.’ It’s a win-win really!”

The post quickly sparked a wave of responses from fellow members. Multiple women revealed they had also bought games consoles as a way of keeping their partners busy while they could live out their affairs.

Another said: “I did this last year and it worked an absolute treat!”

Alan Rickman’s character should have hid that necklace better – or just have given it to his wife to avade detection (Image: Universal Pictures)
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A third said: “My husband absolutely wasn’t a gamer, that is, until I bought him a games console. It’s basically his hobby now and he even bought himself one of those headsets, so I can safely say he’s got other things on his mind than checking what I’m up to when I’m off to see my Illicit Encounter.”

Commenting on the discussion which took place on the extramarital dating site, spokesperson for Jessica Leoni, said: “Our forum is designed to foster open, honest discussions, even if the topics might surprise people. It’s hard not to admire the ingenuity behind some of these gift ideas.

“Whether it’s PlayStations or pottery lessons, our members certainly know how to think outside the box when it comes to gift-giving.”
