Grandparent ‘disgusted’ by 7ft snowman after nearer take a look at ‘very real looking’ ice pop

Grandparent ‘disgusted’ by 7ft snowman after nearer take a look at ‘very real looking’ ice pop

A rude snowman man complete with a large icy appendage has left villagers hot under the collar after being spotted on a snowy walk near Warrington, Cheshire

The fella must’ve taken serious work to erect

A cheeky snowman sporting a rather large icy ‘appendage’ has caused quite a stir in a Cheshire village. The saucy seven-foot sculpture popped up on a rugby pitch at Grappenhall Sports Club, near Warrington, and it’s got the locals all steamed up.

One unimpressed resident moaned: “Absolutely disgusted with this, took the grandchildren on a snowy walk and don’t want to have to see things like this.”

They continued: “Well I was walking on the rugby pitch when I saw the snowman from a distance because it is rather large, I thought I’d take a closer look as it looked impressive. As I got closer to admire it I saw that they had given it very realistic looking genitalia.”

He’ll have someone’s eye out!

“And that’s when I thought I ought to take some photos and report it to save anyone else getting the same shock that I did! ” But not everyone’s got their knickers in a twist over it. A witty commenter advised the disgruntled grandparent: “You should have just gone over and pulled it off.”

Another chuckled: “This is brilliant. Congratulations to who ever made this regular looking snowman and celebrity.”

“Does he have OnlyFans? ” And one local quipped about the unexpected sight on the field, saying: “Is this Grappenhall Rugby field? ” “I was running along the canal and could see the tackle from a good distance away. Great effort, made me chuckle.”

Grappenhall Sports Club has made it clear: “Snowmen with their bits hanging out is not really what we want to be known for.”

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