Woman ‘traumatised’ after personal canine chewed chunk of her lip off however she would not blame her

A mum has noted that questions need to be answered after her German Shepard-Rottweiler cross, Daisy, was able to wriggle out of her muzzle and bite her on the lip during a check up

Ellen suffered a significant loss to her bottom lip and her right lip suffered major lacerations (Image: Ellen Grace / SWNS)

A mum has been left distressed after part of her lips were bitten off by her own dog while taking the pooch for a routine check up.

Ellen Grace took her dog, Daisy, a German shepherd-Rottweiler cross, to Stellar Vets in Littlehampton, West Sussex, for a check-up after showing signs of distress and not eating properly.

During the check up a distressed Daisy was able to slip out of her muzzle before leaping up and biting Ellen on the lips. The bite led to a significant loss of Ellen’s bottom lip and her top lip suffered major lacerations.

Daisy, a German Shepard-Rottweiller cross, slipped out of her muzzle and bit Ellen(Image: Ellen Grace / SWNS)

Ellen believes the veterinary practice has questions to answer about the incident. A particular point of issue is that Daisy’s muzzle was not on properly and the dog was able to slip out of it.

She explained: “I said, ‘It doesn’t look like it’s on properly,’ but he insisted it was fine.”

Recalling moments after the bite Ellen said: “I didn’t even realise the extent at first but then I looked down and there was blood everywhere.”

“I didn’t even realise the extent at first but then I looked down and there was blood everywhere.”(Image: Ellen Grace / SWNS)

Ellen was then rushed to A&E Worthing and her injuries were treated, she called the pain “excruciating” and fainted while her lips were being stitched up.

Daisy was subject to an assessment by a dog handler following the incident. Ellen said that the incident was a result of the dog being in a high pressure situation and that Daisy is not dangerous.

Ellen’s mental health has been significantly impacted from the injury. Ellen has emailed the vet and expressed her disgust at the conduct.

The mum has said: “I haven’t left the house for two weeks – it’s been so traumatic,” and added: “This should never happen to anyone else.”

Ellen has sought legal advice since the incident (Image: Ellen Grace / SWNS)

She highlighted: “They didn’t even call to check if I was okay.”

Stellar Vets have offered an apology to Ellen and have claimed that such an incident has never happened in its 35 years.

Ellen has since sought legal advice and has reported the incident to the Health and Safety Executive. Ellen is now working towards raising awareness about the importance of proper procedures and safety measures in veterinary clinics.

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Stellar Vets have been approached to comment.

AnimalsDog attacksDogsHospitalInjuries