Boy, 16, goes lacking after ‘assembly unknown individual’ as mum ‘apprehensive sick’

Boy, 16, goes lacking after ‘assembly unknown individual’ as mum ‘apprehensive sick’

A “worried sick” mum has said her 16-year-old son went missing after travelling from Southampton to Liverpool to meet an “unknown person”. Alfie St John hasn’t been in contact with his family since Friday afternoon.

He is believed to be in the Liverpool area, according to a Facebook appeal launched by mother Laura. She said she is “worried sick that something bad’s happened to him” and added that Merseyside Police had launched a search.

The Daily Star has approached the force for comment. Mum Laura said: “This is Alfie St John, my 16 year old son.

“On Friday he made his way to Liverpool from Southampton to meet a unknown person.. last contact was Friday afternoon.

“I’m worried sick that something bad’s happened to him! Me and my family and friends have called him non-stop. This is not like Alfie to not be in contact everyday.

Merseyside Police are looking for him. But if any could share this to any Liverpool websites would be appreciated. Please help to find him I just need to know his safe many thanks.”

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