A study by Asda Online Doctor has shown the shocking reality of the extent to which noisy neighbours’ snoring is affecting Brits in their homes, with city-dwelling men ranking as the worst offenders
Over one million Brits snore so loudly they wake up their neighbours with noise levels as loud as a rock concert or chainsaw, according to a poll.
A shocking 1.3million reach decibel levels the equivalent of a pneumatic road drill or chainsaw – around 100 decibels. This the same noise level as sitting in the front row for Black Sabbath or AC/DC concert.
Researchers found four per cent of the population – 1.3million – have had complaints from neighbours about the noise in the middle of the night. Men are more guilty than women, with 800,000 having received complaints from neighbours compared to 300,000 complaints about female snorers.
People from Manchester and London are the most likely to disturb neighbours with their pneumatic snoring. Three per cent of people from both cities said neighbours had been woken by their incredible sawing logs impression.
Asda Online Doctor came up with the findings after asking 2,000 UK adults if they have had snoring complaints from next-door neighbours.
Doctor Crystal Wylllie, GP at Asda, said: “Snoring can disrupt sleep and have a knock-on effect on your quality of life and on your neighbours.
“However, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to treat snoring, including losing weight if you’re obese or overweight. Try incorporating a healthy diet and regular exercise.”
After Manchester and London, two per cent of people from Glasgow and Belfast have had complaints from their neighbours followed by one per cent from Sheffield and Birmingham.
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One per cent of people Newcastle, Brighton and and Bristol said their neighbours had complained about their snoring. Only Cardiff people said their neighbours had not complained about their snoring.
Medical experts say mild snoring is around 40 to 45 decibels – equivalent to the sound of a fridge humming. Whilst moderate snoring reaches 45 to 55 decibels – similar to the sound of a quiet radio in the background.
But more severe snorers apparently reach noise levels reaching 55 to 60 decibels – a fairly loud conversation. Very severe snoring reaches 60 decibels to 100 decibels and can be heard around 100 feet away – as loud as a chainsaw, jackhammer or road drill.
Researchers also found one in ten people (ten per cent) sleep in different rooms from their partner because of their snoring. Four per cent of people even said their snoring had been the cause of a relationship break-up.
Another six per cent said they are too embarrassed to stay at a friends house or even a hotel because of their snoring.
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