Doctors get naughty at work greater than anybody else and most romps occur in rest room

Doctors get naughty at work greater than anybody else and most romps occur in rest room

Medical professionals are finding new ways to beat stress, according to a study, with many reportedly enjoying a quickie whilst at work in some unconventional places

Police officers and doctors are amongst some of the people most likely to sleep with work colleagues whilst at work, according to new poll
Police officers and doctors are amongst some of the people most likely to sleep with work colleagues whilst at work, according to new poll(Image: Getty Images)

Doctors bonk at work more than any other profession, a study has found.

A poll of 2,000 working Brits found that 77% of docs confessed to romping with a coworker. Police officers were almost as likely to have an at-work fling, with 76% admitted to fraternising with a colleague at work.

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The most likely places for a quickie were the less-than glamorous office loos, where 22% admitted romping. Second place was awarded to a spare office with 20%, and 13% admitted to doing ‘it’ in the car park.

A total of 12% got frisky in the photocopying room, with a further 8% getting it on in a storeroom or broom cupboard.

woman seducing a willing doctor
A poll found that the toilets, spare rooms, and car parks were amongst some of the places people enjoy workplace quickies(Image: Getty Images)

When asked who they romped with, 14% said their boss, 21% a junior colleague, 14% with the boss of their direct boss, and 13% with one of their ‘team’.

One doctor, who asked not to be named, said that docs were well known for living life on the edge.

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14% of respondents said they have previously slept with a boss at work(Image: Getty Images)

He said: “Despite doctors always doling out health advice, they are among the most likely to drink too much and smoke too much.

“They are also known to be a horny bunch, who will find any excuse for a quickie, especially at work.”

Rosie Maskell, of MrQ’s said: “The survey highlights a little-spoken-about side of the workplace. And it looks like the great British public has been getting up to more than just tea breaks at the office.”

Doctors are among some of the most likely professionals to be found bonking at work(Image: Getty Images)
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She added: “We found that 77% of doctors admitted having an office bonk, with the toilets the most common location for a hookup.

“Police officers were similarly likely to have let temptation get the better of them while working, with 76%.”

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