‘Worst’ portraits ever after Trump strop – pinhead Royal, Putin mix-up and ‘canine Queen’

‘Worst’ portraits ever after Trump strop – pinhead Royal, Putin mix-up and ‘canine Queen’

Orange manbaby Donald Trump has thrown yet another hissy fit to the shock of no one – and this time it’s about the ‘truly the worst’ portrait of him, according to him of course.

The volatile US President, 78, is putting his efforts and concerns into really important things. Well, we know that’s not true – but they’re super precious to him.

In the latest meltdown from the OAP leader of the ‘free’ world, Trump ordered for the removal of a portrait that was hung in the Colorado Capital.

He accused the painting of being ‘purposely distorted’. It was painted by a British artist after she was commissioned to do so in 2019.

Trump posted on his social media platform ‘Truth Social’ where he grumbled: “Nobody likes a bad picture or painting of themselves, but the one in Colorado, in the State Capitol, put up by the Governor, along with all other Presidents, was purposefully distorted to a level that even I, perhaps, have never seen before.

“The artist also did President Obama, and he looks wonderful, but the one on me is truly the worst. She must have lost her talent as she got older.”

So is Trump’s oil portrait ‘truly the worst’? Well, he has some strong contenders in this frightful gallery – let’s just say our late Queen Elizabeth ll has more to moan about than Trump…

Let us know what you think the ‘worst’ portrait is in the comment section!

Donald TrumpIn the News