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TikTok Is So 2004

Squander enough time on TikTok these days and the signs of creative deceleration are everywhere.“Try-hard” slang is spreading. Competitive aging is a thing. Classic episodes of The Sopranos are fed to you in polished 25-second bites. Last…

How Nvidia Came to Rule AI

Lauren Goode: All right, Will. What is your recommendation?Will Knight: My recommendation is this application called WhisperKit, which is from a company called Argmax, which was founded by some Apple developers who left to do their own…

RIP Apple Car. This Is Why It Died

All these firms seek to capitalize on what Apple recognized a decade ago: The software and connectivity now built in to new autos gave tech incumbents a jump on traditional auto-builders. But those advantages haven’t always proven…

Tech Job Interviews Are Out of Control

Bock says the shift is partly due to mass layoffs; employers are more able to flex their muscles in a tighter labor market. But there’s also a broader psychological shift. “After years of tech workers being pampered, of ‘bring your whole…

Live TV Is the New Streaming

“Biggest audience since the moon landing.” That was the headline when Nielsen released viewership numbers for Super Bowl 2024. About 123.7 million people in the US watched the game, more than any other game since Nielsen started keeping…