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Synthetic Data Is a Dangerous Teacher

In April 2022, when Dall-E, a text-to-image visio-linguistic model, was released, it purportedly attracted over a million users within the first three months. This was followed by ChatGPT, in January 2023, which apparently reached 100…

In Defense of AI Hallucinations

No one knows whether artificial intelligence will be a boon or curse in the far future. But right now, there’s almost universal discomfort and contempt for one habit of these chatbots and agents: hallucinations, those made-up facts that…

WIRED’s 2023 Year-in-Review Quiz

2023 has been a year defined by artificial intelligence innovation, with OpenAI at the helm. An AI apocalypse didn’t collapse society into chaos, but everyone in Silicon Valley did try to add some sort of AI tool into their software, and it…