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Confessions of an AI Clickbait Kingpin

“I’m not a fan of AI,” Nebojša Vujinović Vujo says. The admission surprises me: He has built a bustling business by snapping up abandoned news outlets and other websites and stuffing them full of algorithmically generated articles. Although…

The 45 Best Shows on Disney+ Right Now

Disney+, if you didn’t know, isn’t just for kids. With its ownership of the Lucasfilm brand and the Marvel titles, the streaming service also offers plenty of grown-up content in its bid to compete with Netflix and Amazon—and we’re not just…

How to Become the Pope

Are you drifting between careers, unsure of your next move? Perhaps you should become the pope. Leader of the Holy Roman Catholic Church is a prestigious position that offers excellent perks, including international travel, job security,…

What’s New on Disney+ in December 2022

The first National Treasure film was released in 2004, an archeological dive into the United States’ founding myths that played sort of like a louder, dumber Indiana Jones crossed with The Da Vinci Code. Of course it was a hit, prompting…