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It’s Not Easy Running a Geeky Business

Carol Pinchefsky has written almost 2,000 articles about geek culture for outlets such as,, and Over the past 20 years, she’s watched fantasy and science fiction grow from a niche interest to a massive…

Vertex Is the Last Good Place Online

OK, look, I know how it sounds when I say that I wind down from a long day on the internet by playing a game on the internet. I’m a freelance journalist writing a book about private equity, which means I spend my working hours toggling…

OpenAI Gives ChatGPT a Memory

OpenAI says ChatGPT’s Memory is opt-in by default, which means a user has to actively turn it off. The Memory can be wiped at any point, either in settings or by simply instructing the bot to wipe it. Once the Memory setting is cleared,…

Black Twitter Remains Unbothered

Social media is having a crisis of identity. In the 15 months since a change of ownership rocked the foundation of Twitter—now confusingly rebranded X—competitors have scrambled to rekindle the allure and influence of the platform that…