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Your Sex Life Needs Regular Exercise

Photo: 4 PM production (Shutterstock)We all know we should exercise to improve our physical life. But if you needed even more incentive to hit the gym, how about the fact that exercise can also improve your sex life? It seems almost fairly

Let’s Bring Back the Dumbbell Swing

“The ‘swing’ lift is a great favorite in France,” the weightlifter and barbell-maker Alan Calvert wrote in 1911. He described it “rapidly coming into favor in England, along with the ‘snatch’ lift.” But while the snatch grew in popularity,…

The Best Apps to Help You Clean Your Home

It’s been years since Apple launched that gimmicky “there’s an app for that” campaign, but it is admittedly accurate as catchy ad slogans go. Apps truly have become ubiquitous: You have apps to help you work out efficiently and apps to save…