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What’s New on Disney+ in April 2023

For decades, it has been generally agreed upon that while it may be a truly magical animated film, the racial politics of Disney’s 1953 classic Peter Pan are, uh, not great. If you haven’t seen it in a while, may I refresh your memory with…

10 Ways to Build a Better Smoothie

What came first, the milkshake or the smoothie? Maybe they developed simultaneously, but I like to think the milkshake paved the way and that’s why smoothies feel like dessert even when they’re packed with kale and wheatgrass. And while it…

How to Get iMessage on Windows

iMessage is Apple’s golden goose, ensuring many iOS users never dare stray from the Apple ecosystem, lest we end up a dreaded green text on someone else’s iPhone. Luckily, the times are a-changin’, and it is not longer entirely up to Apple…