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The 7 Deadly Sins of Personal Hygiene

Standards of personal hygiene are not universal. Personal, cultural, and religious difference, socioeconomic factors, and a ton of other variants determine how, and how often, we wash and groom ourselves. They also determine how groomed we…

You’re Soaking Your Dishes Wrong

“Soaking the dishes” has become shorthand for “not actually doing the dishes,” and for the most part, that’s accurate. Lots of people assume soap works like a solvent, so if you just fill a crusty pot with soapy water, it’ll magically…

Your Bathroom Needs a Phone Shelf

In the moment that would change my life forever, I was standing in Target looking at toilet paper holders. I like a freestanding holder, since it does not have a “front” or “back” for the roll debate; you just pull from whichever side you…