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open source

At the Olympics, AI Is Watching You

“What we're doing is transforming CCTV cameras into a powerful monitoring tool,” says Matthias Houllier, cofounder of Wintics, one of four French companies that won contracts to have their algorithms deployed at the Olympics. “With…

The AI-Powered Future of Coding Is Near

I am by no means a skilled coder, but thanks to a free program called SWE-agent, I was just able to debug and fix a gnarly problem involving a misnamed file within different code repositories on the software-hosting site GitHub.I pointed…

Chatbot Teamwork Makes the AI Dream Work

Turning to a friend or coworker can make tricky problems easier to tackle. Now it looks like having AI chatbots team up with each other can make them more effective.I’ve been playing this week with AutoGen, an open source software framework…