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How Nvidia Came to Rule AI

Lauren Goode: All right, Will. What is your recommendation?Will Knight: My recommendation is this application called WhisperKit, which is from a company called Argmax, which was founded by some Apple developers who left to do their own…

Google Is Racing to Bring More AI to Android

“We’ve been doing things with AI for a long time as a company. And the advancements in generative AI are pretty exciting,” says Sameer Samat, vice president of product management for Android and the Google Play app store. “But these aren’t…

10 Ways to Build a Better Smoothie

What came first, the milkshake or the smoothie? Maybe they developed simultaneously, but I like to think the milkshake paved the way and that’s why smoothies feel like dessert even when they’re packed with kale and wheatgrass. And while it…