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A New Benchmark for the Risks of AI

MLCommons, a nonprofit that helps companies measure the performance of their artificial intelligence systems, is launching a new benchmark to gauge AI’s bad side too.The new benchmark, called AILuminate, assesses the responses of large…

The Hottest Startups in Paris in 2024

In the past two years the French capital has been in the throes of AI fever and has launched some of Europe’s most talked-about startups, including Mistral, which is currently valued at $6.2 billion (£4.7 billion). That’s partly down to the…

Welcome to the Era of ‘Deep Doubt’

Deep doubt impacts more than just current events and legal issues. In 2020, I wrote about a potential “cultural singularity,” a threshold where truth and fiction in media become indistinguishable. A key part of the threshold is the level of…