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To Own the Future, Read Shakespeare

many times a year, as if on a hidden schedule, some tech person, often venture-capital-adjacent, types out a thought on social media like “The only thing liberal arts majors are good for is scrubbing floors while I punch them” and hits…

The 7 Deadly Sins of Spring Cleaning

We’re back to spring: the time of renewal, rebirth, and cleaning your damn house. And I mean really cleaning—not just picking up, but moving the couch, wiping off the blades of the ceiling fan, and getting behind the fridge. Spring…

The Best Apps to Help You Clean Your Home

It’s been years since Apple launched that gimmicky “there’s an app for that” campaign, but it is admittedly accurate as catchy ad slogans go. Apps truly have become ubiquitous: You have apps to help you work out efficiently and apps to save…

You’re Soaking Your Dishes Wrong

“Soaking the dishes” has become shorthand for “not actually doing the dishes,” and for the most part, that’s accurate. Lots of people assume soap works like a solvent, so if you just fill a crusty pot with soapy water, it’ll magically…