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In Defense of AI Hallucinations

No one knows whether artificial intelligence will be a boon or curse in the far future. But right now, there’s almost universal discomfort and contempt for one habit of these chatbots and agents: hallucinations, those made-up facts that…

Put Some Plantain Chips in Your PB&J

Photo: Joel Cunningham“Put some potato chips in there” is a sandwich hack so timeworn, I’m hesitant to characterize it as anything more than generally accepted wisdom at this point. What sandwich wouldn’t benefit from extra salt and

Go Ahead, Burn Dinner (a Little)

Bitter is good. Burnt ends, blackened catfish, crème brûlée, and the giant charred bubble on your pizza pie are just a few examples of how good it can be. The palate can taste five flavors—sweet, salty, bitter, savory, and umami—and the…

Blast Your Toaster With a Hair Dryer

Cleaning a toaster is more involved than you might think, but one of the most important steps is just getting all the crumbs out. But there’s an easier way to clean out toaster crumbs than turning it upside down or reaching inside to rustle…