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Make Better Meatballs With Anchovies

Making really good meatballs isn’t exactly rocket surgery. As long as you season them aggressively and use a light touch while mixing, you’ll be good to go. But I recently discovered an easy way to make an already delicious dish even…

What It Takes to Quit Gambling

For most people, gambling is an occasional thrill. Whether it’s a lost weekend in Las Vegas or throwing a few bucks on a Superbowl grid each year, betting is just short-term fun—win or lose, they walk away and get on with their lives. But…

11 of the World’s Most Banned Movies

When it comes to books, my policy is generally to make a point to seek out the ones people try to ban; they’re almost always worthwhile, at least to understand why their ideas are being suppressed. That’s true with movies too, but the…