
‘After 12 years of misrule, it’s clear the Tories are the problem, not the solution’

It looks likely Liz Truss will soon be PM but she hasn’t a clue how to fix Britain’s problems.

She rubbished Labour’s plan for a windfall tax on oil giants while overlooking her heroine Margaret Thatcher imposing one on the banks.

Truss wants tax cuts not “hand outs” and apparently thinks British workers are lazy and need to do “more graft”. That might explain why she championed regional pay boards, to slash pay for millions of workers outside London, only to U-turn on it the following day.

What do you think? Does Liz Truss have the capacity to tackle the scale of the current crisis? Let us know down below.

Or, does her history of flip-flops and U-turns guarantee yet more indecision at the heart of government? Have your say in the comments.

Labour proposes removing VAT from fuel and reducing pre-pay meter costs but there’s no help from the Tories, paralysed by their leadership election. They have no answers – and after 12 years of misrule, it’s clear they are the problem not the solution.

– David Bodimeade Rayleigh, Essex