
Most spontaneous age is 31 – but impulsiveness dips by age 37

Brits are most spontaneous at the age of 31, research has revealed – with one in ten even getting married on the spur of the moment.

A desire to have fun (51%), fewer responsibilities (47%), and having less fear (39%) drive Brits to be at their most impulsive in their early thirties, according to a poll of 1,000 adults.

This is paired with fewer financial commitments (44%) and more disposable income (40%), so that Brits can afford to live in the moment.

But the spontaneity doesn’t last long, dipping to its lowest level by the age of just 37 – thanks to an increase in responsibilities (42%), having a young family (37%), and a need to be more sensible (30%).

It also emerged nearly half (47%) wish they were more spontaneous in life – especially when it comes to their social lives (37%), friendships (31%), and travelling (29%).

For one in six, dyeing their hair is the most impulsive thing they’ve done

A spokesman for Skyscanner, which commissioned the research, said: “Spontaneity is proven to reduce stress and increase levels of self-esteem, along with promoting contentment and harmony in close relationships.

“Spontaneity has been directly affected over the last couple of years by the pandemic, and breaking free from these constricting behaviours is key to getting back on track, and also to boosting well-being.”

The study also found just one in eight (12%) of the adults polled describe themselves as very spontaneous – with 38% admitting they are the opposite, and rarely step out of their comfort zone.

But men are slightly more impulsive than women (63% compared to 61%).

For 23%, simply going on an unplanned night out is among the most spontaneous things they have done, while 16% said the same of dying their hair.

Others have gone on a last-minute date (15%), bought a car (15%) – or even got married (11%) on the spur of the moment.

When it comes to travel, 28% of those polled, via OnePoll, have been surprised by a spontaneous trip from someone else, and one in three (32%) have booked a trip to a location they knew nothing about.

More than one in three UK travellers have even arrived at the airport without a ticket or destination in mind, and would do so again.

And for respondents over 65, it emerged that of life’s valuable experiences, travel ranked highest.

It comes after Skyscanner flight data revealed last-minute trips, booked seven days or less before departure, are increasing in popularity by 14% compared to pre-pandemic.

Skyscanner’s Everywhere tool allows you to be adventurous while also saving money

A spokesman added: “Sometimes you may want to be spontaneous, but may feel held back by responsibilities, finances, and even fear.

“But while it may seem scary to just pack a bag and hop on a plane, being spontaneous can be exhilarating – and there is nothing is more freeing than travel.

“And it doesn’t need to be something big – simply planning less than you usually would for something like a trip away, or taking a chance on an unknown destination, will remind you of the possibilities that are out there.

“Being flexible with where and when you go away, and using our Everywhere tool, can also save you money, as well as allowing you to be more adventurous.”

The study also found after making a spontaneous decision, 34% feel excited and 27% feel happy.

Others feel carefree (23%) and exhilarated (21%) – although 17% also admit to being worried.

However, nearly two-thirds (61%) are looking to be more spontaneous post-pandemic, after 53% said Covid stopped them from doing this.

Following the findings, Skyscanner is giving people the chance to win their own spontaneous trip away this month to help rediscover the joy of travel.

The NOMOFOMO campaign is on the brand’s Instagram and Facebook now.