
Harry’s Taliban death toll claim puts ‘family in danger of suicide bombers’ warns expert

Prince Harry may have put his “family in danger” with his claims that he killed 25 Taliban fighters, a security expert has claimed.

Harry claimed to have killed dozens of fighters in Afghanistan while on active service, with expert Will Geddes blasting his “immature” reveal.

Geddes has warned that not only has Harry’s admission attracted attention of the Taliban to him but has increased the “danger of suicide bombers” on the Royal Family.

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Speaking of the claims that Harry killed 25 “chess pieces” in active service, Geddes said: “Prince Harry claiming to have killed 25 Taliban has raised his, his wife and children’s threat level significantly to jihadist threats.

Prince Harry made the wild claim that he had killed 25 members of the Taliban

“No one who has ever operated in conflict zones ever discloses that kind of information.”

Furthermore, Geddes noted that the private security team in charge of Harry, Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle and their children will have to operate randomly to subvert patterns of life.

Such patterns could lead to risk of life and danger from Taliban forces, who have since mocked Harry’s claims by branding him a “big mouth loser”.

A security expert has since claimed Harry has put his family at risk with the ‘irresponsible’ comments

Anas Haqqani, the Taliban leader in Afghanistan, said: “Mr. Harry! The ones you killed were not chess pieces, they were humans; they had families who were waiting for their return. Among the killers of Afghans, not many have your decency to reveal their conscience and confess to their war crimes.

“The truth is what you’ve said; Our innocent people were chess pieces to your soldiers, military and political leaders. Still, you were defeated in that ‘game’ of white & black ‘square’.”

Geddes added: “This risk he’s now amplified is the threat not only to himself but to his wife and children, and for someone who is stating he wants to remain private and want to hide in the shadows this is really drawing more light on him than is necessarily.

“Fixated persons are people very much obsessed with the Royal Family for various reasons, there are potentials for IEDs, potential for suicide attacks, potential for lone tech lone wolf attacks or lone actor attacks where someone might try and get him with a knife.”

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