
Iain Duncan Smith urges Nadhim Zahawi to release full details of tax row

Sir Iain Duncan Smith has become the first Conservative MP to publicly call for Nadhim Zahawi to release full details of the row over his taxes.

The senior backbencher urged the embattled Tory chairman to “get it all out” after allegations that he agreed to pay millions of pounds to HMRC, including a penalty of £1 million, and was blocked from receiving a knighthood.

Mr Zahawi has said the taxman deemed errors in his tax affairs to be “careless and not deliberate”, and that he “chose to settle the matter and pay what they said was due”.

’Get it all out now and clear it up’

Sir Iain told the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg: “I’m always of the view with these things that the sooner you can get the actual facts out the better, rather than have them coming out in phases.”

“He is in a way a peculiar British success story because he’s a person that’s come into the country fleeing Iraq, has been successful in setting up a global brand, so all of that in a way is remarkable and it says a lot about the UK and diversity and everything else.

“But I would say to him if he was here, get it all out now, whatever you have to do, and clear it up. I genuinely don’t believe this is a man who is deceitful in any shape or form. But this goes on and on, and the media waits. So I think I would just clear it up.”

James Cleverly, the Foreign Secretary, told the same programme he was unable to answer questions about Mr Zahawi’s taxes because he had spent all week in the US and Canada before “doing some shopping” on Saturday.

Mr Cleverly insisted the “very effective” Mr Zahawi should stay in post, adding: “The decision as to how much detail to put in the public domain is rightly one for Nadhim himself… I think it’s right and proper that people’s tax affairs are personal and private.”

Labour is calling for Mr Zahawi to resign, while senior Tory MPs have told The Telegraph he should explain what happened to “put this to bed once and for all”.
