
Billy Sharp preaches respect but showed Wrexham none – so we’ll shove that in Disney doc

The funniest riposte to Billy Sharp I’ve seen so far involves that famous Neville Southall meme with Michael Owen smashing the ball past a 13-year-old keeper.

Under it simply stated: ‘Nice one Billy, they’re Non League’ (below).

Yes Billy Sharp – the Championship’s all time record scorer – was less than magnanimous after scoring as his side beat the Hollywood fancy dans Wrexham AFC 3-1 last night. And boy, was he happy/angry about it all.

READ MORE: Wrexham owner Ryan Reynolds has net worth of £125m and paid £1.6m for just a ring

“Shove that on your documentary” he shouted in the tunnel after Premier League bound Sheffield United saw off the non-league side after 180 minutes of pretty engrossing football.

The problem is, all that probably was filmed for Disney’s Welcome to Wrexham doc. And they probably will shove it on the documentary – and you probably won’t come out of it too well, Billy lad.

Billy went on. Not one but two heated interviews where he accused Wrexham of planning for Spurs already and treating them with “disrespect.”

He even said the referee was in it with them.

Billy Sharp launched into a post-match, calling Wrexham “disrespectful”

Now I don’t know what Billy saw in the innards of Bramall Lane before the match. Maybe Paul Mullin was being fitted for a Wembley suit. Ben Tozer was learning Abide with Me while Rob McElhenney was busy writing ‘The Gang go to the Green Man after spending 18 quid on a programme.’

But as Tozer said after the match ‘I feel he fabricated things in his head to make what he did acceptable. They showed a lack of humility – and lack of respect’.

More on that later.

What could have riled our Billy was a picture of Elliot Lee, Mullin and Ollie Palmer doing the ‘Son celebration’ on Wrexham’s official Twitter account.

Yeah it may have been silly of the Wrexham media team to post that on January 30 – just after the draw was made – but the picture was from November, and it came about because Son said he was a fan of the documentary and so the players wanted to send him a little message.

And that message wasn’t ‘We’re going to the win the FA Cup’.

So if the players aren’t giving it to Billy – was it the fans?

No one I spoke to before the match thought we’d win that – our chance was gone. The match went exactly as we predicted, a brave but ultimately futile effort.

Wrexham super fan Andy Gilpin (r), pictured with his pal Tim at Bramhall Lane, suggested Sharp might be jealous of Wrexham

Many of us didn’t even want to progress. The games are piling up and we need to get promotion with Notts County having a storming season.

The first I’d heard of this ‘disrespect’ was when Billy ran over to the away fans at the end of the match. No need to applaud us, I thought, we enjoyed it too.

But alas no, he did a crying tear gesture to 5,000 who trudged over the Pennines with a week’s notice in a credit crunch. Nine days after his pal John Egan shushed the home crowd after equalising in the 95th minute at the Racecourse.

Billy talks about the importance of respect, well you’ve given us none there, mate.

Sharp clearly enjoyed the victory over National League outfit Wrexham

For me this falls into an ever growing category namely: Everyone seems jealous of Wrexham.

They are five words I never expected to write. Ever.

No one has ever been jealous of Wrexham,

When you’re a town with a giant slag heap, myriad of pound shops and a football club that has been in the Conference for FIFTEEN years, no one has ever been envious of you.

The only (few) people who have ever come close is that other Welsh club down the road. Ch**ter.

Enter stage left Rob and his pal Ryan Reynolds.

Movie star Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney have thrown themselves into the Wrexham project

They’ve spent money, made a documentary Americans love, visited a number of times, downed gin shots (!) at The Turf and got us to second in the league with a smile and a joke.

Now everyone’s talking about Wrexham AFC. It’s a happy news story, and my word do other football fans/players/officials hate one of them.

Everyone’s done something hot headed that they don’t mean. Last weekend I had a go on Twitter at some people slagging off the Wrexham dream as a hateful horror project and regretted making my feelings known the next morning.

But I was eight pints in – I’m pretty sure Billy wasn’t.

Sheffield United have succeeded in getting to the fifth round with a glamour tie against Spurs.

Well done, you deserve it. You’re a great club and I loved being at your ground for the first time. I want to come back.

But all Bill has succeeded in doing is making himself a meme for any time someone throws their toys out the pram for a silly reason.

Nice one Billy, you’re 37.