
Nose-pinching Tesco shoppers spend six years battling ‘gross poo smell’

Likely drainage issues have caused a ‘gross poo smell’ in a branch of Tesco that staff and shoppers have been left to deal with for a whopping six years.

Complaints were first made about the smell of raw sewage wafting throughout the Warndon superstore in Worcester back in 2017, and it is back again with some shoppers even opting against visiting.

And the braver shoppers have been left disgruntled, as they say they have to hold their noses while they shop for their essentials.

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Peter Vanderweele said he boycotted the supermarket after the first outbreak and had only just started going back when he noticed the pong return again.

Complaints were first made about the smell of raw sewage wafting throughout the Warndon superstore in Worcester back in 2017
Complaints were first made about the smell of raw sewage wafting throughout the Warndon superstore in Worcester back in 2017

Peter, from Worcester, said it now stinks throughout the entire store and added: “It puts you off full stop.

“You would not go in a pub with that smell, but it appears to be worse as they are selling food, not just food in tins and jars but fresh food.

“When it happened before, I stopped going there, and it took years for me to go back.

“They don’t even have something on the door which says it smells horrible. It hangs over all the store. I just thought it could not go on like this.”

Chris Mander, 62, said she had no choice but to put up with the stench as it was the only shop for miles.

Joanne Hardwick, 53, of Warndon, said the smell “hits you when you walk in”.

'I notice it all the time, especially near the veg and fruit,' Joanne Hardwick said
‘I notice it all the time, especially near the veg and fruit,’ Joanne Hardwick said

“It smells like drains and they don’t even offer any discounts to compensate,” she added.

“I notice it all the time, especially near the veg and fruit.

“It’s not particular hot either today. It’s been smelling for a month. I’m thinking if it was hot it would make it worse.

“I still go as it’s convenient for me. It does need to be sorted. It’s not nice at all.”

Jean Jones, 66, of Warndon, said the smell puts her off buying fresh food on her weekly shop.

Tim Potter, 41, of St John’s, Worcester, said: “It’s like a gross poo smell. Nobody wants to do their shopping with that lingering around. I’ll go elsewhere now.”

Mike LeRoy, 72, of Warndon, said he still gets his food there but his wife does the shopping so “she can deal with it”.

Tesco said maintenance teams are working to resolve the issue but the smell poses no health issues and is not caused by any kind of sewage.

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