
‘Dutch Donald Trump’ Geert Wilders heads for Netherlands election victory

The far-right, anti-Islam Geert Wilders has gained a large victory in Dutch parliamentary elections, a outcome that may possible ship shockwaves by way of Europe.

The Dutch Donald Trump is now in pole place to kind the following governing coalition and probably grow to be the Netherlands’ subsequent prime minister. An exit ballot revealed his landslide with the Party for Freedom, often called PVV, that appeared to even take the 60-year-old abruptly. He can be the nation’s first far-right chief.

The exit ballot printed by nationwide broadcaster NOS mentioned that Wilders’ celebration gained 35 seats within the 150-seat decrease home of parliament, greater than double the 17 he gained on the final election. Final official outcomes have been solely anticipated on Thursday.

Wilders’ election program contains requires a referendum on the Netherlands leaving the European Union, a complete halt to accepting asylum-seekers and migrant pushbacks at Dutch borders. It additionally advocates the “de-Islamization” of the Netherlands, though he has been milder about Islam throughout this election marketing campaign than prior to now.

The closest celebration to Wilders one was an alliance of the centre-left Labor Party and Green Left, which was forecast to win 26 seats. But its chief Frans Timmermans made clear that he would by no means enter right into a coalition with Wilders. He mentioned: “We will never form a coalition with parties that pretend that asylum seekers are the source of all misery.

“And within the coming days and weeks we are going to more and more see how troublesome, how necessary, how important our job is to face up for the Netherlands the place we exclude nobody, to face up for the Netherlands the place we embrace everybody to face up for the Netherlands, the place we don’t have a look at what your background is, what your faith is, what your pores and skin color is.”

The historic victory came one year after the win of far-right Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni. And Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban who has grimly harsh stances on migration congratulated Wilders. Wilders’ inflammatory views on Islam have prompted death threats and he has lived under heavy police protection for years.

In 2009, the British government refused to let him visit the country, saying he posed a threat to “neighborhood concord and due to this fact public safety.” Wilders had been invited to Britain by a member of Parliament’s upper house, the House of Lords, to show his 15-minute film “Fitna”, which criticises the Quran as a “fascist e-book.” The film sparked violent protests around the Muslim world in 2008 for linking Quranic verses with footage of terrorist attacks.