
Nuke risk from ‘cornered rat’ Putin is actual and he ‘might goal UK first’

Russia’s nuclear risk is actual and “cornered rat” Vladimir Putin might goal the UK first, an professional has chillingly warned.

Since the beginning of the Ukraine warfare in February 2022, the opportunity of a devastating nuclear strike has been a continuing fear, provided that Russia holds a major variety of the world’s nuclear warheads.

And Professor Matt Qvortrup, a Political Science and International Relations professor at Coventry University, thinks we might be among the many first targets.

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Speaking to the Mirror, he stated: “The situation is not as rosy as we’d like it to be and especially not here because we would be a target, I’m afraid.”

April 2022 launch of Russia's new Sarmat super-heavy, land-based intercontinental ballistic missile
ballistic missile

He added: “I remember the time when you would wake up in a cold sweat in the ’80s because you thought we’re going to be nuked by the Russians. I think we are in a position which is as dangerous, certainly for Europe, as we were back then.”

He believes the UK’s nuclear deterrents aren’t as much as par to discourage the Kremlin. He added: “What is more fundamental is the kind of missiles we have on Trident and those missiles – ballistic missiles – aren’t the most sophisticated type – they can be shot down from the ground.

“Not that I’m saying it is easy. You can evaluate them to cruise missiles – which Russia has and the Americans have – which might be actually flying by themselves…however we do not have these.”

Map shows how much of UK could be destroyed if Russia launched nuclear bomb ​on London
Map reveals how a lot of UK might be destroyed if Russia launched nuclear bomb ​on London

Professor Qvortrup additionally warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin might launch a nuclear assault if he feels cornered, likening him to a “rat” that may “bite” when threatened.

Qvortrup stated: “In Britain, we’ve been very on the front foot in Ukraine. They’re [Russia] not going to nuke the Poles, somebody who is close by because the wind is going to blow radioactive dust in their face. We would be one of the first targets.”

He added: “There are roughly 20,000 nuclear warheads in the world, and about six or seven thousand are Russian. The Americans have a handful, and the Chinese…but the Russians have the majority of all nuclear weapons in the world, and that should make us very afraid. When in the corner, the rat jumps up and bites you in the neck.”

Putin could launch a nuclear attack if he feels cornered
Putin might launch a nuclear assault if he feels cornered

Qvortrup referred to a narrative that Putin himself is reported to have advised a couple of time when he was a schoolboy and had cornered a rat in his mother and father’ basement and was poking it with a stick.

“The rat was totally panicked and jumped up and bit him in the neck,” he added

“When cornered, you do irrational things,” he defined. “Putin himself has told that story and I think to a degree Putin is the rat and is someone who when cornered will do things not necessarily rational and that is the greatest danger. If the rat is in the corner with nuclear weapons we should be not just afraid but very afraid.”

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