
Ten issues the Labour Party should do to safe victory at July 4 General Election

All the polls point towards Keir Starmer being the next Prime Minister but the race could be closer than many people think.

For a majority of one, Labour needs a bigger swing than that achieved by Tony Blair in 1997. Here’s 10 things Labour must do to clinch victory…

1. Show you are the party of change

The country is crying out for change after 14 years of Conservative rule. Labour must surf this mood by showing they are the only party that can take Britain forward and deliver the reforms so desperately needed. Most people think Britain is broken and nothing works. Starmer must show he is the person to rebuild the country and restore its pride.

2. Show you are a party which has changed

Although Labour has a comfortable lead in the polls there are still voters who have doubts about a party which once had Jeremy Corbyn as leader. Starmer needs to remind people that Labour has changed and is now firmly camped on the centre ground. And to quell doubts about the Corbyn era he needs to show Labour is not just the party of social justice but also the party of defence, law and order, and the economy.

3. Stay disciplined

Labour has not been so united since Tony Blair became leader in 1994. But its opponents will be ruthless about exploiting any sign of division. They will also be on the look out for any deviation from the tough spending plans set out by Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves. That is why Labour’s candidates must stay united and underline the message they will not play fast and loose with the nation’s finances.

4. Remind people of 14 years of Tory failure

This will be the key question of the election: are you better off than 14 years ago? It is question Labour should ask repeatedly when living standards have fallen, the tax burden is at a post-Second World War high and economy is flat-lining. There are also record NHS waiting lists, broken transport system, social care crisis, polluted waters and not enough homes.

5. Stability

Not for nothing has Starmer said that “stability is change”. Labour is offering a period of calm after the Tory turmoil in which the country was divided over Brexit; suffered Theresa May ’s weak leadership, the moral bankruptcy and chaos of Boris Johnson ’s time in Downing Street, and the disastrous 49-day rule of Liz Truss.

6. Play to Starmer’s strengths

The Labour leader may not have the showmanship of Blair but he has taken a moribund party that had suffered its worst election defeat since 1935 and turned it into a party on the doorstep of power. Labour should use the campaign to showcase Starmer’s seriousness and decency. After Johnson and Sunak, these are treasured qualities in a PM.

7. Don’t let the Tories dictate the agenda

With no record to defend, the Conservatives are likely to fight a dirty campaign. Labour needs to be prepared for assaults on Starmer’s record and the fact he served in Corbyn’s cabinet. Alongside the personal attacks, the Tories will want to focus on issues such as immigration and Labour’s alleged support for the woke agenda. Labour needs to steer the debate on to health, living standards, law and order and childcare.

8. Win the ground war

This month’s local and mayoral elections showed that Labour has the superior ground operation. Its army of activists will be key to winning over undecided voters and to getting the vote out on polling day. How Labour targets its resources and where could prove crucial.

9. Don’t get in a three-way fight

Labour should continue is unofficial pact with the Lib Dems not to go head-to-head in the few seats where they both have a chance of ousting the Tories. Tactical voting could prove the difference between a hung Parliament and Starmer winning an overall majority.

10. Don’t let Sunak rewrite history

Sunak is desperate to reset the clock so voters do not associate him with the Johnson and Truss years. Labour must remind voters that Sunak was not a spectator as his party wreaked so much havoc.