
Indian Nostradamus claims World War 3 kicks off subsequent week after prediction fail

A bloke dubbed “Indian Nostradamus” has clarified why his prediction of World War 3 starting earlier this week didn’t happened . . . and has now named a date instead.

The Daily Star reported last week how “New Nostradamus” Kushal Kumar, who claims to be an astrologer who predicts world events, recently told how tensions would rise between Israel and Hamas, both side of Korea, China and Taiwan and Russia and NATO.

Although some would say these were blindingly obvious open goals, Kumar used the Vedic astrology chart to do so. For the unaware, the chard is based in Hindu culture, and is supposed to be a “map of our karma” using planetary and star alignment. He claimed that the war was due to start on June 18 and reiterated that same claim on Friday. However that date came and went . . . and war never happened.

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Kushal Kumar was wrong, but could still be right
Kushal Kumar was wrong, but could still be right

But seemingly undeterred, the bloke as returned to explain what went wrong and why, actually, it was the wrong date to start with. Kumar said: “Having travelled through 10 and 18 June, 2024, let us wait, if so liked, for 29 June 2024.

“It may be observed here that predictive alert for better care and appropriate strategy involves careful and serious interpretation of planetary impacts while unintended human error or slip cannot be ruled out entirely.”

“The crucial and extraordinary security happenings across the war hotspots in the world on or around the predicted dates 10 June and 18 June 2024, have been evaluated by this writer and found to have suggested meaningful confirmation of this writer’s related predictive input published on 23 May 2024.”

He went on the list the same potential war-inducing reasons he had before – from Russia and Ukraine, to Israel and Hamas – but also added Putin’s visit to North Korea as a reason, as well.

The planets aligned, but not quite how he predicted
The planets aligned, but not quite how he predicted

There was also a “minor collision” between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea on Monday, which could also be a World War 3 catalyst.

And, he added: “Some 9000 troops from 20 NATO countries have been participating in June 2024 in military exercises in the Baltic Sea region, which has become strategically sensitive following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

So, before you unpack your emergency suitcase and start eating your rations . . . war could still be on the horizon, just a bit further away than first thought.

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