
Houses of Parliament might face ‘catastrophic’ fireplace as officers warn of ‘Notre-Dame fashion inferno’

The centre of the United Kingdom’s government faces a high risk of ‘catostrophic’ fire-damage, which could be compounded by asbestos, and a room nicknamed “The cathedral of horror”

fire in london
A key Labour peer is calling for vital restorations after revealing there has been more than 40 fires in the last decade(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

It’s over 400 years on from Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament, but the iconic building could be at risk of inferno once more.

Shocking new figures reveal there have been 45 fire incidents in the past decade alone – with some fearing that historic site is one spark away from going up in flames.

Labour peer Lord Hain, who unearthed the fiery stats, said he was “horrified” and warned of a potential “Notre Dame-style inferno incubating” in the crumbling building.

Officially known as the Palace of Westminster, it’s home to the House of Commons and the House of Lords – but parts of it are a disaster waiting to happen.

Palace of Westminster
The basement of the Palace of Westminster is nicknamed the Cathedral of Horror. A complete mess that should have been binned years ago, the House of Commons could be at risk too(Image: POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The debate over fixing up the historic landmark has dragged on for years. The multibillion-pound restoration plan has been bogged down in delays, with costs soaring and experts warning that the estate is riddled with dangers.

Think fire risks, asbestos, the threat of flooding, and a maze of tangled pipes and cables in the basement that is so dense and dangerous it is (somewhat affectionately) nicknamed the “cathedral of horror”.

Lord Hain didn’t mince his words, saying: “Parliament decided years ago to a full decant for the proper restoration and renewal of the whole precious world heritage site. But ever since then, there has been prevarication and delay which could well have catastrophic consequences.”

Notre dame
The 2019 Notre-Dame fire in Paris may have been caused by a faulty electrical device(Image: Maxppp/PA Images)

Back in 2018, MPs and Lords agreed to pack up and move out temporarily so restoration could be carried out. But the plan was later put on ice because of fears the public wouldn’t back spending billions on sprucing up Parliament.

Now, three options are on the table. One involves moving both Houses out, another would see just the Lords move while the Commons stays put, and the third would be a rolling programme of works – the slowest and most expensive option – with everyone staying onsite.

The quickest fix would take at least eight years, while the slowest option could drag on for two decades or more.

Lord hain
Lord Hain, who served as Commons leader for two years during his time as an MP, has hit out at the “prevarication and delay” over the restoration of the Houses of Parliment (Image:

But while politicians dither, the dangers grow. Just ask the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which was nearly destroyed in a devastating fire in 2019. Officials such as Lord Hain are now warning that without urgent action, it’s only a matter of time before “catastrophic and irreversible damage” strikes the Houses of Parliament.

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A spokesperson for Parliament said some safety measures are already in place, including upgraded fire doors and a high-pressure water mist system.