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‘AI Girlfriends’ Are a Privacy Nightmare

You shouldn’t trust any answers a chatbot sends you. And you probably shouldn’t trust it with your personal information either. That’s especially true for “AI girlfriends” or “AI boyfriends,” according to new research.An analysis into 11…

OpenAI Gives ChatGPT a Memory

OpenAI says ChatGPT’s Memory is opt-in by default, which means a user has to actively turn it off. The Memory can be wiped at any point, either in settings or by simply instructing the bot to wipe it. Once the Memory setting is cleared,…

Polyamory Has Entered the Chat

Ryan and Randy met at a sex party in 2019 and started dating shortly after. By month four, they made the relationship official, eventually moved into a two-story house in Los Angeles together, and did all the things happy couples do: date…

The Year the Millennial Internet Died

The millennial internet first died in 2015.I remember the day exactly because I was one of seven staffers, in addition to many more permalancers, at Gawker Media who were laid off as part of a company-wide restructuring. I received a…