
Prince Harry reveals all about his relationship with Prince William and Kate Middleton

The REAL story behind the Terrific Trio! Prince Harry feared Kate was ‘taking Will away’, while his brother thought ‘three is a crowd’ and didn’t invite him over

  • Harry shared details about relationship with Prince William and Kate
  • In public, he called her a ‘sister’ but wrote he feared she would ‘take Will away’
  • Said he was not told about their engagement until it was announced to public 
  • Told how Will didn’t fulfil tradition ahead of wedding because he was with Kate
  • Read more: What’s REALLY behind Meghan and Kate’s long-standing feud

Prince Harry, Kate and Prince William may have once been considered a Terrific Trio by members of the public.

However, in his memoir Spare, the royal father of two has now laid bare the reality of their relationship in excruciating detail.

In the early years of his brother’s relationship with Kate, he refers to his fear that she would ‘take Willy away’. He also reveals that he had no idea his brother was engaged until it was announced publicly.

Meanwhile he shares his sadness at not being invited over for dinner with the Cambridges while living opposite them at Kensington Palace.

Prince Harry, Kate and Prince William (pictured in 2019) may have once been considered a Terrific Trio   – but the duke has now revealed explosive new details about their relationship

Kate started dating William in 2003, after meeting him at the University of St Andrews. Soon after, she met Harry.

Harry has now revealed how he had worries about the princess taking his brother away from him.

He detailed how he ‘consoled’ himself by thinking about the fun they would all enjoy together in the future. 

However he claims he was left stunned when in November 2010, he learned his brother had proposed to Kate.

In the early years of his brother’s relationship with Kate, he refers to his fear she would ‘take Willy away’

Meanwhile, he claimed he was ‘never’ invited over for dinner while living opposite them at Kensington Palace

He said he only learned of the engagement when it was announced to the public.

Meanwhile he added that he never gave William their mother’s engagement ring to give to Kate – and had been holding onto it ever since her death.

After their engagement, he said he was left thinking about his own bachelorhood, and his desire to settle down only grew stronger. 

He confessed he had always felt he would be the first to get married. 

He claimed William broke a tradition which they had to spend the night together before their weddings 

After the wedding in 2011, Harry claims William and Kate were granted more staff, more cars, a larger residence and a more imposing office.

While he says he ‘wasn’t bothered’ about the advantages, he said the ‘respect’ mattered to him.

He claimed he felt like an outsider and a ‘non-person’ because he was a bachelor. 

His move to Nottingham Cottage came in 2013, and he said he was overjoyed to be living opposite William and Kate. 

However he claimed despite being ‘half a football field away’, he wasn’t ever invited over to the Cambridges’ home in Kensington Palace. 

Despite ‘assuming’ he’d receive an invite, he said he was left disappointed and believed they felt ‘three is a crowd’.

Elsewhere, Harry detailed telling Kate and William about excitement over Meghan and saying how it had been his ‘dream for a long time’ to become ‘a foursome.’

However he claims William told him ‘it may not happen’ and that he would ‘have to settle.’ 

When the two did decide to marry, Harry claims William told him on the eve of their wedding in 2018 that he was spending the evening with Kate and their children. 

The duke writes that it was a sensitive time, because it had been their ‘tradition’ and that William ‘cancelled at the last minute.’ 

Earlier today, ‘human hand grenade’ Prince Harry was accused of trying to blow up his father’s reign with his book as he ramped up his verbal attacks on his brother.

The Duke of Sussex described William’s ‘red mist’ in a fight over Meghan before admitting that he had taken cannabis, magic mushrooms and cocaine in another clip from his ITV interview, out on Sunday.

Harry also insisted to presenter Tom Bradby that he wants reconciliation with his relatives, even though his memoir has damaged the King and plunged the Royal Family into its worst crisis since the death of his mother in 1997.

Despite the trio  – pictured in 2012 – appearing close on a personal level, Prince Harry has now detailed how he felt William considered ‘three is a crowd’

Prince Harry has been accused of trying to blow up his father’s reign with his book as he ramped up his verbal attacks on his brother and Kate

And in a separate teaser released by Good Morning America last night, he admitted the rift with William would make their late mother ‘sad’.

Former Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown, a biographer of Princess Diana, said today: ‘Harry’s turned into a human hand grenade. It’s raining down on the House of Windsor just at the start of his father’s reign.’

Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have declined to comment on anything Harry has said on TV or in his book. But an insider told The Times: ‘It is exhausting, it is exasperating, but it is not distracting. It will burn itself out.’

Prince William, Kate and Prince Harry arrive for the world premiere of the James Bond film Spectre in 2015

The trio took part in a relay race to promote their Heads Together campaign at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London in 2017

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