
‘My wife has a kink for BBC kids TV character – it’s making me want to leave her’

While many people think that it is wrong to ‘kink shame’ – it appears that this latest confession of naughty bedroom antics has been unanimously shunned.

Some like to get experimental in the bedroom, perhaps even introduce a bit of roleplay.

A sexy nurse? Or even a sizzling hot fireman?

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But this one woman is into more of a niche category of play pretend.

And her husband wants to leave her because of it.

After having had enough of her sexual desires, the husband took to Twitter confessional page ‘Fesshole’ to anonymously air out his issue.

That being his wife likes him to dress up as a children’s TV character.

The husband is thinking of leaving his wife because of the unusual kink

“My wife has developed a Mr. Tumble kink”, he revealed.

“Watching that stupid t**t on the TV is bad enough, but now at least once a week I have to dress up as him and give her ‘tumble time’.

“Making me want to leave her to be honest.”

If you’re not in the know, Mr.Tumble – played by Justin Fletcher – is a TV personality who helps entertain and educate tiny tots with his vibrant personality.

Who knew that the blue waistcoat and red nose could be such a turn on!

‘Horrified’ by his relationship woes, many people fled to the comments to express their sympathy for the bloke – and some urged him to leave.

That gives a whole new meaning to ‘tumble time’…

One person commented: “Instant deal breaker.

“I’d leave.”

Another user giggled: “Let’s see what’s in my spotty bag!”

While a third voiced: “I am traumatised by what I just read.”

Someone else fretted: “Poor chap.”

Meanwhile, a fifth said: “Ok surely this is divorce material if you’re not into it.”

And, this user declared: “This is horrifying.”

Elsewhere, a different husband shared that is wife got a matching tattoo to his pre-existing ink.

But what he didn’t tell her was that his original design was part of a matching set with his ex.
