
Woman in her 20s asks how to not ‘end up bitter like people in their 30s and 40s’

A woman in her twenties has gone online to ask people how to ‘not end up bitter’ liked people in their thirties and forties.

Layah Heilpern, from Dubai, took to Twitter to ask advice from older social media users.

However, the brunette seems to have ruffled a few feathers in the process with her query.

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In her tweet, the marketing consultant and podcast host wrote: “I see many bitter people in their 30s and 40s. What advice would you give to people like me in their 20s so we don’t end up like this?’

Layah asked how not to be bitter ‘like people in their 30s and 40s’

The tweet quickly went viral, racking up more than million views and gaining more than 27,000 likes with many people rushing to the comments.

Some offered some helpful advice, as one person said: “Focus on your self so you have no one else to blame but your self for all your accomplishments and failures.

“I think bitterness comes from a lack of self awareness on who they want to become and where they want to go in life.”

Another agreed, adding: ‘100% focus on yourself. Don’t follow the narrative that you have to step and repeat the life of your family before you.

Her question angered some people

“Start investing early. Don’t drink alcohol. Have friends who have a growth mindset. Find a partner who has the same values and is a hard worker.”

While a third said: ‘Life is short. 100% focus on yourself. You’re a product of your environment. If you’re unhappy, change your environment.

However, others bashed Layah over the question, saying she had a ‘disrespectful mindset’.

One person wrote: “Don’t mistake internet personalities for worthwhile advice.”

To which Layah replied: “You had internet personalities back in your day?”

It seems like the reply annoyed many, as one person hit back: “Haha, next piece of advice: don’t get caught-up in thinking your generation invented the wheel and there was nothing else before 🙂 (this is serious: I see so many people in their 20s calling anyone older than them a “boomer” and missing 40 years of relevant historical context.”

Some thought Layah had a ‘disrespectful mindset’

Another added: “This is what I’m talking about. The rudeness of your reply p***es people off. You do realise your generation didn’t invent the internet. People were ‘googling it’ in 1998!”

A third chimed in: “Back in our day? Who do you think created Internet personalities? 30s/40s. You and this mentality is what’s wrong with us. Advice; be better than the disrespectful mindset and close the gap.”