
World’s tallest woman ‘didn’t have friends’ but now uses 7ft height to advantage

The world’s tallest woman had a tough time growing up.

Rumeysa Gelgi, who has a rare genetic condition called Weaver Syndrome, towered over her classmates.

And as she stood out from the crowd, forming friendships at school was very difficult.

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The 26-year-old, from Turkey, told 7Life: “It was not an easy journey. I didn’t have any friends because I was so different to children my age but I made it.

“My parents were the biggest support and I had amazing teachers.”

Rumeysa Gelgi admitted her school time was “tough” – but she’s overcome hurdles

With the help of her family and teachers, Rumeysa realised she could live life to the full.

Instead of letting Weaver Syndrome hold her back, she pursued her dreams by making a few adjustments.

The web developer always wanted to fly to California as she liaises with Silicon Valley at work – but her condition makes this difficult.

She explained: “I have rods and screws in my spine so I can’t sit upright for longer than two or three hours.”

Instead of seeing this as an obstacle she couldn’t get past, Rumeysa took her first flight by booking out six seats with Turkish Air.

Rumeysa took her first ever flight last year – and had a great experience

Cabin crew agreed to cater to her requirements – and looked after her during the 14-hour journey to California.

Rumeysa spoke about the experience on Instagram and noted: “A flawless journey from start to finish.

“This was my first plane ride but it certainly won’t be my last… heartfelt thank you to each and every person who has been a part of my journey.”

The 7ft woman also gets around by travelling in a van instead of a car.

Then when it comes to furniture and clothing, she picks items that work specifically for her height.

Rumeysa is using her platform to educate others on her condition

Rumeysa, who won a Guinness World Record for being the tallest woman in the world, wants to use her platform for good.

She hopes to educate people about her condition and inspire others to follow their dreams.

The activist added: “I want to educate people about Weaver Syndrome.

“It’s so rare many doctors don’t know about it.

“I also want to show people that you shouldn’t judge others by how they look.

“I believe a negative thing can be turned into a positive one.”