
People are using sneaky Facebook groups catch ‘home-wrecking’ cheats red-handed

A “crazy” trend has emerged online – and it’s helping people to find out if their partners are cheating.

People are creating Facebook groups to play detective, which are called “do we have the same boyfriend/girlfriend”.

Those concerned their lovers are playing away normally post pictures of their partners to find out if others know who they are – or if they’ve been dating someone else.

READ MORE: ‘My husband cheated on me for most of our marriage – but I can’t leave him’

The pages have also seen other sorts of romantic detective work, such as people sharing screenshots of dating app profiles and damning social media posts.

According to the Daily Telegraph, people have even shared DMs from the person in question.

They have asked things like “is anyone talking to this boy?” or “does anyone know who this is?”

It’s said people are trying to expose men who are “homewreckers”

Even though a few groups like this have been around for a while, around six new pages of the kind have been formed to track down “homewreckers”.

And they’re so popular that some of them have already built a following of just under 10,000 members.

Now, as they’ve started to gain more attention, people who have spotted their snaps being shared have began to fight back against the online movement.

Some people have even said they’ve been wrongly accused of having flings.

Musician Kouxan is one person who is known to have featured in one of the posts, but he said some of the claims made by women are “playing” him.

Several Facebook groups of a similar nature have been set up

“If you are commenting, first of all do you have nothing to do with your time?,” Kouxan said in a TikTok, where he spoke about the situation.

“Don’t comment like this ‘run babes’ if you’re in my DMs.”

Influencer Olan Tekkers also visited the video sharing platform to talk through the problems that can arise with such posts being shared on public platforms.

He made one video about the topic that showed one person asking the group if they knew the person who was photographed or whether someone had “tea on him”.

In the clip, he said: “This is a problem because I’m all for you exposing men that are cheating on women or multiple different girls, I get that.

“(But) what if he’s rejected another girl and the girl he has rejected is in the group chat and goes ‘yeah, yeah, yeah he’s a d******d’, (because) one time he rejected her, and that’s the reason she’s dogging him out.”

The trend is proving particularly popular in Australia, according to, with groups having been made in places such as Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Gold Coast.

But, one group made in Melbourne in January, appears to have been taken down, as it now has the name “do we have the same boyfriend? Melbourne Edition! (DELETED) POLICE INVOLVED”.