
Ambulance crews, health and social care workers, DWP and airport staff continue walkouts

Who’s on strike TODAY? Ambulance crews, health and social care workers, DWP and airport staff continue their long-running walkouts on February 23

  • Health staff and paramedics in Norther Ireland will walk out today 
  • Airports in Scotland will also be affected by strike action

Civil servants and ambulance drivers will both walk out today over better pay and working conditions as the public sector strikes that have dominated 2023 so far continue. 

It’s thought that in the region of 4000 social care workers and health professionals in Northern Ireland will join demonstrations today due to the effects of inflation against wages. 

The Unite union, which represents the striking workers has defended the strike action citing staff shortages, rising burnout and risks to public safety caused by poor working conditions – which has contributed to NI’s health service being under considerable pressure. 

Elsewhere, civil servants in Swansea and Liverpool will both leave work today with airport workers in Scotland also striking due to pay. 

Here’s who’s striking and why.  

A number of public sector workers will walk out today in a month of disruption 

Workers holding Unite union flags on the picket line outside the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast in January

Health workers and ambulance staff – Northern Ireland

Ambulance workers in Northern Ireland are striking today over pay grievances and fears the service they provide is being affected. 

It is the second round of 48-hour strikes the service has undertaken however paramedics taking part in the stoppage will be on standby to answer critical calls. 

Unite’s lead regional officer for health in Northern Ireland, Kevin McAdam, said: ‘Nobody should be in any doubt regarding our members’ determination to defend their living standards amid an unprecedented cost of living crisis.’

Health workers are also walking out over concerns of low pay and poor working conditions, something  Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said was making work ‘impossible’

She said: ‘With chronic low pay making it impossible to recruit and retain essential health workers, the health service in Northern Ireland is facing an existential crisis.’ 

Thousands of Unite union members are set to walk out in Northern Ireland today (pictured striking workers in Worcestershire) 

A general view of the Highlands and Islands Limited Stornoway Airport on Lewis

Which airports in Scotland are open today

The following airports will be closed for flights: 






Kirkwall Airport will be partially open for inter-island flights only,

The following airports will operate as normal: 





Wick John O’Groats


Airports – Scotland 

Several areas of Northern Scotland will be isolated today due to strike action from staff of Highlands and Islands Airports, a company which operates 11 airports and is owned by the Scottish government. 

The strike includes emergency rescue staff, baggage handlers, ground crew and security and is in response to a rejected 5% pay increase. 

According to Unite, the action will stop mail being delivered and may stop offshore workers getting home but they have been left no choice as the ‘Scottish government hasn’t met with them’. 

Shauna Wright, Unite industrial officer said: ‘Unite has no choice but to escalate our industrial action across the HIAL Group.

‘Our members keep the airports operating in isolated and rural communities. They help to ensure that businesses can trade, workers can travel and visitors can come to the islands.

‘The way they have been treated by the Scottish Government and HIAL management is deeply disappointing.’

Civil service – UK

A host of civil servants who are part of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) will walk out today. 

Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) employees at various job centres are taking their 13th day of job action over pay, pensions, job security and redundant terms.

Affected centres include includes the Toxteth Jobcentre, Liverpool Duke Street Jobcentre, Liverpool City Jobcentre and Liverpool Innovation Park Jobcentre.

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) staff in Swansea and Birmingham are also staging a stoppage.

After taking five days of job action last month they are striking for six days until Saturday.