
Female yob smirks in mugshot as she is jailed for nine months for racially abusing police officer

Female yob smirks in mugshot as she is jailed for nine months for racially abusing police officer and spitting in the face of another

  • Court heard police were called to report of disturbance last week in Nottingham
  • Megan Hill, 26, became aggressive and had to be restrained by officers 

A female yob who spat in a cop’s face and racially abused another police officer smirks for her mugshot as she’s jailed for nine months.

A discreet smile plays across the lips of Megan Hill in the official picture issued by cops after last week’s attack.

The 26-year-old was jailed for nine months for attacking two police officers.

Nottingham Crown Court heard police were called to Forest Road East, Radford, at around 9pm last Tuesday following reports of a disturbance.

When police arrived at the scene, Hill became aggressive and had to be restrained by officers.

Megan Hill, 26, smirks in her mug shot after being jailed for nine months for spitting in the face of a police officer and racially abusing another

Hill then spat in the face of an officer and was arrested.

She was taken into police custody where she launched a vile racist tirade against another officer.

On Thursday Hill admitted assaulting an emergency worker and a racially aggravated public order offence.

On top of her prison term, Hill, of Carrington, Nottingham, was also ordered to pay £100 in compensation to the two cops she abused.

PC Chris Wilson, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: ‘Our officers dedicate their lives to helping people and simply don’t deserve to be abused in this abhorrent manner.

‘No police officer, or indeed any emergency service worker, should have to deal with this – it should never simply be considered as just a part of the job.

‘Nottinghamshire Police has a complete zero-tolerance against all forms of hate crime and won’t hesitate to take robust action against anyone who behaves this way.

‘Hill crossed a line by acting in the manner she did, and I sincerely hope she uses her time in prison to reflect on her actions and try to better herself going forward.’

Social media users expressed their disgust at Hill as she appeared to smile in her mugshot which was released by police following her sentence.

One Facebook user said: ‘I hope the jail sentence wiped that smirk off her face.’

Another said: ‘Far too many abusing police. What happened to respect?’

Another user added: ‘Clearly it’s a big joke to her. I wonder if it’ll still be funny after a few months sharing a cell with some Big Bertha.’