
‘I’m a jacked 62-year-old bodybuilder — I’ve done the same workout for 40 years’

A 62-year-old bodybuilder has revealed he’s maintained his “jacked” figure by following the same insane workout for 40 years.

Scooby Werkstatt was one of the first fitness influencers to join YouTube when he started his Scooby1961 channel back in 2005.

Nearly two decades later the YouTuber, who also has a pilot’s licence and documents journeys in his beloved handmade plane Dotty, is still making fitness videos on the platform.

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His content has recently taken a new direction, with Scooby now introducing his channel as Gray And Fit — a platform for “aspiring bodybuilders over 50”.

But Scooby hasn’t let ageing get in the way of his fitness regime and he still works out just as much as he did in his 20s.

Scooby working out
He does two full-body workouts a week

In a recent video introducing Gray And Fit, Scooby revealed exactly how he’s stayed so fit over the years.

He told his followers: “I’ve been lifting weights two to three times a week, every week since 1983 and doing five to 15 hours cardio every week.”

Viewers couldn’t believe his intense routine as they praised him for his dedication and branded him a “legend”.

One person said: “5-15 hrs/week of CARDIO!!? Forget the bodybuilding consistency, this is CRAZY!”

Another added: “Scooby you are a legend we love you.”

He’s been lifting weights for 40 years

In another video showing an average day in his life, Scooby revealed even more details of his impressive workout routine.

Despite plans to fly his plane to Sedona, Arizona for a hike on the day of filming, Scooby’s day still started with a 6am full-body workout.

He said: “I do two full-body workouts a week and they last somewhere between 60 and 80 minutes.”

As he did the strenuous workout in his garage, he added: “This workout is a lot of pull-ups, push-ups, shoulder work. I’ll do my legs later in the day when I’m hiking.”

He then set off on his plane but didn’t let his time in the air come in between his fitness lifestyle, revealing he lands the aircraft every hour to go for a quick jog to stop his back from hurting.

Scooby in front of his plane
He gets in some extra cardio between flying his plane

He explained: “What I found is that even though Dotty has a range of 500 miles, which is about five hours, my personal range is about one hour.

“After that, I have to stop, land and go for like a one-kilometre jog and that keeps my back feeling good throughout the whole flight but I do need to stop every hour and jog.”

After his first jog, Scooby got back in the plane for another hour of flying over the Colorado River area before landing for a second time for another one-kilometre jog.

He revealed he’ll usually repeat the process until he gets in between three and five kilometres of jogging.

He gets in up to 15 hours of cardio a week

But the jogging stops weren’t even Scooby’s main source of cardio that day, revealing that after landing at Sedona at around 3pm, he then embarked on a hike near the desert town.

He credited his YouTube account with keeping him motivated over the years, explaining: “One of the big bonuses for me of doing my weekly YouTube videos is that I know I have to stay in shape 24/7, 365 days a year.

“I can’t let myself go or I’ll look really really stupid, that kind of public shaming can be a great motivational tool.”

And it’s clear the impressive regime is working to keep him looking young, with viewers complimenting his muscular figure.

Fans praised his ‘jacked’ figure

“Kudos to you Scooby for your dedication. You look a lot better than most of the 20-year-olds in the gym I used to go to,” one person said.

Another added: “Looking jacked my friend.”

Despite being able to maintain a regular fitness routine, Scooby does admit some things have changed as he’s gotten older.

“The needs, training methods and nutrition for those over 50 are completely different than for young adults,” he said in his Gray And Fit introductory video.

He added: “I’ve been there myself and I can understand the difference between how an 18-year-old lifts and how someone my age lifts.”

He said it’s never too late to start lifting

But he claimed your 50s can be the best time to start bodybuilding as he encouraged others to start their journey.

He said: “I don’t care how out of shape you are or if you’ve ever lifted before, you can get in better shape than you were at age 30. It’s never too late to start bodybuilding and strength training.

“In many ways, it’s beneficial to wait until you’re after 50 to start lifting because you have the patience, time and common sense to keep from getting injured, things that a teen does not always have.”

The speedo-loving bodybuilder said his channel’s not just for older people, revealing everyone is welcome as long as they’re not offended by his skimpy attire.

“Yes I’m gay, but gay is what I am not who I am and everyone is welcome here as long as you won’t be offended by me occasionally wearing a speedo”, he added.

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