
One in six wedding ceremony company have pushed house drunk the morning after celebration

A shocking 25% of individuals aged between 18-34, who are the most likely culprits, have admitted to this behaviour within the past year. Over a fifth (21%) of men confessed that they had intended to abstain from alcohol but changed their minds and still drove home at the end of the night.

The study was commissioned by Direct Line to shed light on the risks associated with driving the morning after consuming alcohol, symbolised by a car crashing into a three-metre high wedding cake outside Blenheim Palace.

The survey, which involved 2,000 adults, revealed that 29% of attendees who drink will consume an astonishing 16 or more alcoholic beverages at a wedding.

Matt Pernet, representing the insurance company, stated: “As one of the UK’s leading motor insurers, we’re on a mission to help make roads safer for everyone. With people planning to attend spring and summer weddings, raising awareness of the dangers of drink-driving the morning after is incredibly important.”

Almost half (47%) of wedding attendees who have been to a ceremony in the last two years report being treated to a free bar. One-fifth of the men surveyed also consume over half of their recommended daily calorie intake in beer at a wedding, over just five drinks.

Matt Pernet further added: “We want to remind the nation to think twice before getting into a car, whether they themselves or their driver might still be over the limit.”